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FEMM Teaches Fertility Awareness to Tomorrow’s Health Care Providers

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FEMM Training is Not Just Theoretical but Practical

There’s a big difference between learning something on paper and seeing it put into practice.

That’s especially true in the field of medicine, where patients deserve the best in medical management—not learning-on-the-job mistakes. Take fertility awareness, for example.

To ensure that women receive the care they deserve, FEMM offers clinical rotations for medical providers and students.

The rotation offers invaluable firsthand experience to medical providers and students who have taken the FEMM medical management training.

And it’s possible thanks to your generosity.

Meet Terri and FEMM’s Holistic Approach to Women’s Health

Terri Vyner—a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student at University of Mary—shadowed Dr. Danielle Koestner, a family medicine D.O. with expertise in reproductive health care, women’s health, and fertility. In a typical day, Terri and Dr. Koestner would see five to six patients.

“The format was virtual,” Terri says.

“I presented this as an option to the dean who saw this as an opportunity to gain unique and important knowledge. It was different from an in-person clinical site as our patients came from all over (and sometimes outside) the country.”

Many of the FEMM patients were dealing with complicated health issues.

They had already been to several other doctors, and were frustrated because they hadn’t felt heard by previous providers.

Terri noted how Dr. Koestner never rushed through her appointments and always listened to each patient. She also appreciated that Dr. Koestner was an attentive preceptor. No matter how busy she was, she made the time to teach Terri.

Fertility Awareness Training Has Been Eye-Opening

A nurse with years of experience, Terri is passionate about women’s fertility awareness.

In the course of her DNP studies, she realized how little information is available to women about their cycle—and how most women don’t realize that their cycle is an indicator of their overall health.

When Terri discovered FEMM, she appreciated its science-backed, comprehensive, and accessible approach to women’s health.

For her doctoral project, Terri is working on incorporating fertility awareness into the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) curriculum at University of Mary.

As part of this work, she completed the FEMM instructor training. When Terri had to complete a rotation in women’s health care for one of her courses, she jumped at the chance to shadow with FEMM.

At FEMM, Terri saw medical professionals normalizing the conversation around a woman’s cycle. She witnessed firsthand how a woman’s understanding of her own cycle can help manage her health and fertility.

And she experienced powerful moments, such as when women who’d been infertile for years finally achieved pregnancy.

“I learned that talking about a woman’s cycle should be normal and that there is a wealth of information to be gained in keeping track of the cycle,” Terri notes.

“I think for me, the overall highlight was understanding that the cycle plays a key role in a woman’s health and that it can be used diagnostically. I saw this understanding come into play with every patient that we encountered. I love the integrity and person-centered nature of this approach.”

Fertility Awareness in Terri’s Own Medical Practice

Terri looks forward to using all she learned at FEMM in her own practice. She’s already putting the insights and practical knowledge she gained to good use.

“I find that when I take a health history, I ask about a woman’s cycle and specifics about how it relates to her everyday life,” Terri says.

“I like to introduce them to the concept of keeping track of the cycle as a health record and bringing this information to every doctor’s appointment.”

Terri believes that shadowing with FEMM is a great way to gain experience in family, women’s, or community health.

She says, “I would most certainly recommend a rotation with FEMM to other students pursuing advanced degrees.”

Your generosity helps train the next generation of health care providers. Thank you for making Terri’s rotation possible!

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