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What Happens During Ovulation is Very Important

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Ovulation is Undervalued

Culturally, tan, thin, airbrushed women are often held up as the ideal image of a healthy individual.

While the appearance of hair, skin, and nails can give us some insight into the state of our health, the most important and vital sign of a woman’s health is…ovulation.


When talking about the menstrual cycle, many women think of their period as the main event but, in reality, what happens during ovulation is the central event of a woman’s cycle. Not only that, but ovulation impacts every system in a woman’s body, including the brain.

The science of hormonal health.

What Happens During Ovulation?

In fact, the cycle of ovulation is regulated by the brain. Studies have shown that reproductive hormones relate to the brain specifically in areas involved with controlling mood, behavior, and cognition.

Because of this, it comes as no surprise that if reproductive hormones are altered, you feel the effects in your whole body.

In a normal cycle, estrogen begins to rise until it hits peak levels, where it triggers ovulation, the release of one ovum (egg).

The Signs are a Good Thing!

You’ve probably already noticed the biomarkers (signs) of ovulation related to this estrogen rise, such as slippery cervical mucus, leading up to and during ovulation. Regular ovulatory activity during your reproductive years is an important indicator of health, because ovulation is an indicator of adequate endocrine and gonadal function.

When a woman experiences persistent irregularities in her ovulatory cycle, those irregularities are often due to lifestyle, stress, endocrine, gynecological, autoimmune, nutritional, genetic, or other disorders.

Read: A study on the effects of hormonal contraception on glycemic regulation.

When Does Ovulation Occur?

If you want to know whether you’re ovulating, the FEMM App can help you track your biomarkers to identify signs of ovulation and help you discover the root issues of common symptoms such as pain, PMS, weight gain, depression, and more.

Because achieving hormonal balance is a useful tool in maintaining the well-being of women, FEMM offers 1-on-1 support online and in-person as well as access to a directory of FEMM Medical Practitioners who can help you identify the underlying causes of these symptoms through restorative endocrinology.

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