Region: France

Aira Plamper

I’m a German citizen living in France, so FEMM teaching can be available in 3 languages; french, german or english. My main work is being

Marine Quinjo

I’m a french lady, passionated by women health and hormonals troubles specificly. I’ve been following many classes about functional nutrition and naturopathy to get solutions

Monica Tapias Restrepo

Monica Tapias is based in Colombia and the founder of Ciclo Consentido. She can’t wait to support girls through puberty to better understand the changes

Anne Birrien

My name is Anne Birrien, a 35 years old french woman. I traveled for many years with a enormous curiosity to discovered ancestral cultures and

Ariane Arghyris

Ariane is a non-binary fertility awareness enthusiast, based in Lyon (France). They have been practising FAM for themselves for two years now and are happy

Caro Lascano

Je suis Caro Lascano, instructrice FEMM et Femme Cyclique. J’accompagne les femmes qui veulent écouter leur nature et re-connaître leur cycle, afin de prendre des

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