Region: IN

Ashlyn Spunt

I am a pharmacist and FEMM educator who is passionate about fertility awareness and reproductive health. I became a pharmacist to support people on their

Ryenn Andreassi

Ryenn is a social worker in South Bend IN. She has been working in women’s health since 2017 supporting women in pregnancy, parenting, and fertility

Sarah Kruis

Dr. Sarah Kruis, DC is a chiropractor practicing at Natural Health Family Chiropractic in Elkhart, Indiana, where she also practices as a FEMM teacher. She

Kami Schwartz

Kami Schwartz is a certified birth doula and is passionate about supporting women throughout their entire reproductive life. She feels that knowledge is power and

Joelle Samples

Joelle Samples works with yinRoot, a holistic health and bodywork practice based out of Indianapolis, Indiana that specializes in female reproductive health and fertility care.

Celeste Fendt

Hi there! I’m Celeste. I love helping others honor their cycles through a fertility awareness education that leads them to body literacy.

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