Veronika Komáromi
I am Veronika Komáromi. I am midwife and wife. You can found me on Instagram (@komvercsi). The fertility health is really important for me.
I am Veronika Komáromi. I am midwife and wife. You can found me on Instagram (@komvercsi). The fertility health is really important for me.
Mentálhigiénés szemléletű termékenységtudatos cikluskísérés esetén keress bátran!
Keress nyugodtan messengeren Frics Anna néven, ezen a linken vagy az email címemen:
As an enthusiast of female health, I’m happy to be a FEMM Certified Teacher, among other related programs, e.g. MFM-Project Trainer, TeenStar Instructor.
My main task as a health viditor is prevention and FEMM helps me a lot in this. I can also offer more help to women
I teach in high school. I would like as many people as possible to learn about the FEMM Method and its application.
43 év, 1 férj, 6 gyermek, 1 Ciklus-show foglalkozásvezető, 1 FEMM Health cikluskövetés-oktató.