Region: Hungary

Annamária Bakcsiné Dudás

I am a health visitor and mother of three children. Prevention, health awareness and family planning are very important to me. By teaching FEMM Health,

Katalin Gencsi

Hello! I am a FEMM educator based in Budapest, Hungary. I want to empower women through knowledge about their body. I am also a birth

Zsófia Hollai, MD

I graduated in general medicine in 1998. I am a graduate student in Reproductive Health Development and Infertility Counselling with specialization in pastoral care at

Eszter Munkácsi

I’m an educator in Hungary, teaching women about their bodies. I’m passionate to help women know everything about their physical and sexual health. My socials

Veronika Komáromi

I am Veronika Komáromi. I am midwife and wife. You can found me on Instagram (@komvercsi). The fertility health is really important for me.

Tímea Lázár-Fülep

Mentálhigiénés szemléletű termékenységtudatos cikluskísérés esetén keress bátran!

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