Region: Canada

Haley Campbell

Hi, I’m Haley and I’m deeply passionate about empowering women to harness the natural rhythms of their bodies for both contraception and conception. My mission

Gloria Garofalo

My work takes different forms; Visionary Art, deep personal transformation, feminine reclamation and women’s reproductive wellness. It is my greatest pleasure to help women recognize

Andrea Limburg

Hi there! I’m Andrea, a certified Women’s Holistic Hormone Practitioner and FEMM fertility awareness coach. With personal experience overcoming challenges like irregular cycles and hormonal

Haley Campbell

Hi, I’m Haley and I’m deeply passionate about empowering women to harness the natural rhythms of their bodies for both contraception and conception. My mission

Andrea Limburg

Hi there! I’m Andrea, a certified Women’s Holistic Hormone Practitioner and FEMM fertility awareness coach. With personal experience overcoming challenges like irregular cycles and hormonal

Gloria Garofalo

My work takes different forms; Visionary Art, deep personal transformation, feminine reclamation and women’s reproductive wellness. It is my greatest pleasure to help women recognize

Haley Campbell

I am a Fertility Awareness Educator and a Women’s Health advocate. My goal is to help support women and show them there is an alternative

Lauren Hughes

After discovering cyclical living and healing the fractured relationship I had with my physical body, I was able to grow in ways I never thought

Karine Dreger

Karine specializes in the first 12 months of your trying to conceive journey. She wants to reduce every woman’s number of heartbreaking negative pregnancy tests

Kailee Sawatzky

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and certified Fertility Awareness Educator (FEMM). I help women to reclaim their fertility through nourishing and understanding their bodies

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