
Sheila Gois Habib

Sheila Gois Habib

Sheila Góis Habib is a FEMM-certified Fertility Awareness Educator with a Master’s in Human Rights and a passion for reproductive autonomy and body literacy. A Brown, Shia Ismaili Muslim, Portuguese woman from a mixed Muslim-Catholic family, she grew up and lived around the world. Her experience as a migrant has shaped her understanding of the systemic barriers that racialized and underrepresented communities face in fertility education.

Sheila is the founder of Habibi Fertility, an educational platform and community dedicated to making fertility awareness and menstrual health accessible. Through a science-based, non-hormonal approach, she teaches individuals how to track their menstrual cycles and overall health for natural pregnancy prevention, conception, and hormonal well-being. Habibi Fertility is more than just charting—it’s about creating a space for open conversations about periods, contraception, and body literacy, while challenging misinformation, stigma, and exclusion in reproductive health.

At its core, Habibi Fertility believes body literacy is a human right. Sheila’s work challenges taboos and ensures that fertility awareness is available to all—regardless of cultural background, relationship status, religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, or race.

Instagram & TikTok: @habibifertility

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