Mairead Vieira-Suthoff

Mairead Vieira-Suthoff

Mairead Vieira-Suthoff
Language: English
United States
Languages: English

Mairead learned FEMM initially to heal irregular, painful cycles. Since becoming certified, Mairead advocates for all women, young and old, to learn fertility awareness in order to support their health. As a certified athletic trainer, Mairead is an allied health professional as well as a FEMM instructor. Her background in sports medicine makes her particularly interested in supporting athletic, active women who wish to achieve hormonal health. She’s is a huge advocate for women strength training and is happy to speak about getting started on a workout routine that serves you. She teaches FEMM Online and in person via her business, Lumina Health Services. Mairead is also available for speaking events and workshops through high schools, colleges, women’s groups, and educational forums.

Areas of interest and expertise include:
Charting for health & body literacy
Family planning
Syncing exercise & lifestyle with the cycle phases
Lifestyle tips for hormonal health
Reusable menstrual products
Advocating for yourself as a body literate patient

Coures: FEMM for Health, FEMM Family Planning

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