
Lily Sussman

Lily Sussman
Missoula, Montana
United States

While modern contraception has offered many benefits, it comes at a high cost. Many of us suffer unwanted side-effects, or are prescribed pills to cover-up underlying health issues, which then go unaddressed.

My name is Lily Sussman, and I’m a FEMM Practitioner, certified herbalist, and trauma-informed yoga instructor. I hold a Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from National Louis University.
I’m here to hold your hand as you re-discover the innate wisdom and beauty of your cycle. Your cycle is not dirty. Not a threat. Not something to be medicated into submission. Your cycle is a sign of your life force and vitality. Learning to track and interpret your cycle is a lifelong skill. It will increase your self-awareness, help you avoid or achieve pregnancy, and give you more agency to understand and support your everyday health.

If you’d like to request 1:1 or group coaching, please email me at You can learn more at and @3_generations_wellness

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