Duarte Jimenez Julieth Liliana

Julieth Liliana Duarte-Jimenez

Julieth Liliana Duarte-Jimenez
Language: Spanish
United States
Languages: Spanish

Julieth Liliana Duarte-Jimenez is a happily married stay-at-home mother of three. Julieth was born in Colombia, and came to the United States when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with an Associate Degree in Human Services. Julieth loves to teach Natural Family Planning.

Julieth Liliana Duarte-Jimenez es una mujer casada, ama de casa, madre de tres hijos. Nació en Colombia y llego a los Estados Unidos a los 13 años. Se graduó de Servicios Humanos. Le encanta enseñar la Planificación Familiar Natural.

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