The Case for FEMM White Paper
By Meghan Grizzle Fischer Research and Policy Specialist, FEMM Foundation
Reviewed By Dr. Pilar Vigil, M.D., Ph.D. Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOG)
October 2013
Executive Summary
Executive Summary FEMM is a knowledge-‐based health program for women. FEMM teaches women to understand and monitor hormonal and other indicators of their health. Since these indicators bear directly on hormone-‐related processes in the body, responding to them allows women to better manage their health. This includes identifying and solving common health problems, such as irregular bleeding, pain, and depression; understanding their bodies to observe normal or abnormal activity; and achieving fertility-‐related outcomes, such as avoiding or achieving pregnancy. In the case of health problems, FEMM-‐trained medical professionals can provide more accurate testing, diagnosis, and treatment by working with biological indicators provided by the woman’s own observations. With this support, women can maintain the highest standards of personal and reproductive health from puberty through menopause.