Ingrida Vuosaityte

Ingrida Vuosaityte

Ingrida Vuosaityte
Language: English
Languages: English

Since 2014, I have worked with many couples and single women eager to understand how their fertility works in order to achieve or space pregnancies naturally, without recourse to artificial means or to artificial reproduction technologies as a Creighton Model FertilityCare practitioner. Already taught more than 700 women/couples. I help them plan their family naturally, both to delay or prevent pregnancy and to get pregnant or to understand gynecological health. I work a lot with families who are affected by infertility. I also run educational groups for mothers and daughters.
I’m passionate about empowering women with the knowledge of the gift of fertility and how through the fertility education system (FEMM or other) they can better understand its workings and to enable better health for themselves and ultimately their families.
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