Core Lesson Plan

As students begin to develop more adult questions and capacities, HDC Grade 7 grounds its lessons on understanding that everyone has innate value and human dignity. Complex ideas are made tangible through classroom discussion and writing activities, allowing students to relate character development to their own ability to grow in excellence. Lessons on the power to think and choose and freedom for excellence are discussed in line with assessing the elements that shape the students’ identity and how they can use this knowledge to choose excellence.

Lesson 1

Introductory Lesson

The purpose of this lesson is to prepare students to successfully participate in the curriculum.

Lesson 2

Hierarchy of Being

The purpose of this lesson is to understand the special nature of human persons.

Lesson 3

Human Dignity

The purpose of this lesson is to understand that human dignity is the special value of human persons.

Lesson 4

Subjects vs. Objects

The purpose of this lesson is to understand that persons should always be treated as subjects and never merely as objects.

Lesson 5

Power to Think

The purpose of this lesson is to acquire excellent thinking habits.

Lesson 6

Freedom for Excellence

The purpose of this lesson is to motivate students to live freedom for excellence in their lives.

Lesson 7

The Power of Creativity

The purpose of this lesson is to help students appreciate the power of art to express deeper dimensions of reality.

Lesson 8

Friendship and Solidarity

The purpose of this lesson is to motivate students to pursue friendships of excellence in their lives.

Lesson 9

Habits of Excellence: Resilience

The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand and practice habits of excellence, especially the habit of resilience.

Lesson 10


The purpose of this lesson is to motivate students to embody the heroism of resilience in their daily lives.

Lesson 11

The Mission

The purpose of this lesson is to help students to pursue a mission of excellence and to respect human dignity in their lives.

Lesson 12

Final Quiz

The purpose of this lesson is to review the content of the whole curriculum with students and evaluate their learning.

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