Core Lesson Plan
As a child begins to become more self-aware, Kindergarten is an opportune time to introduce the concept of “human dignity.” In Grade K, an understanding of human dignity as their special value as human persons is established in lessons through song, dance, and play. A fundamental understanding of the different living beings and their basic powers (such as to eat, grow, etc.) is taught in the succeeding classes. This lays the groundwork to differentiate human beings by our unique powers: to think and to choose. Students can then connect this with choices that will not only make them excellent, but also build excellent relationships through solidarity, kindness, and generosity. The lesson concludes in placing the students on the path of aspiring towards heroic excellence.
Lesson 1
The Human Person: Human Dignity
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce human dignity as our special value as human persons.
Lesson 2
All Living Beings: Powers to Eat, Grow, Reproduce
The purpose of this lesson is to establish the hierarchy of living beings.
Lesson 3A
Animals & Humans: Power to Use Internal Senses
The purpose of this lesson is to distinguish animals and humans from plants with their power to use internal senses.
Lesson 3B
Animals & Humans: Three New Senses
The purpose of this lesson is to distinguish animals and humans from plants because of their power to use senses according to reason.
Lesson 3c
Animals & Humans: Power to Feel Emotions
The purpose of this lesson is to distinguish animals and humans from plants because of their power to feel emotions.
Lesson 4A
Humans: Power to Think
The purpose of this lesson is to distinguish humans from other living beings with their power to think.
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Lesson 4B
Humans: Freedom & Power to Choose
The purpose of this lesson is to distinguish humans from other living beings with their power to choose.
Lesson 5
Humans: Heroes
To place students on the path of aspiring toward heroic excellence.
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Lesson 6A
Me: Choosing for My Body
The purpose of this lesson is to prepare students to make excellent decisions regarding their body.
Lesson 6B
Me: Choosing for Myself
The purpose of this lesson is to prepare students to make excellent decisions regarding their whole person.
Lesson 7A
Me & Others: Solidarity
The purpose of this lesson is to highlight that there is an intrinsic social element to our humanity.
Lesson 7B
Me & Others: Self-Gift
The purpose of this lesson is to highlight love as the gift of a self to another in accordance with their dignity.
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Lesson 7C
Me & Others: Kindness and Generosity
The purpose of this lesson is to highlight the power of kindness and generosity as a means of service.